Sunday, May 15, 2011

So much for keeping up with my blog!

Well this was supposed to be my way to keep up with our adventures through pharmacy school and pics and what not, but i s'pose I made facebook my personal blog this year. Hopefully I'll do better next year!? The GREAT news is that I am D-O-N-E DONE! with my first year of pharmacy school and there were definitely some ups and downs but overall I'd have to say it was pretty awesome! I am so happy that I have met some really terrific people and that they even let me call them my friend!!

On a sad/happy note, Keira has grown up right before my eyes. I LOVE hearing her explain things to me and listening to how she processes things that are happening in her life. It's beautiful to watch them grow but so sad at the same time, to say goodbye to each previous stage. I know that I am blessed to have her in my life and that she really is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

It's also interesting to see how far I've come from October 2009. I was still freaking out and having panic attacks when I went for my pharmacy school interview. I still haven't completely been able to let go but I have come so far. I do still randomly remember how it felt laying in the hospital bed thinking that I was going to die and that I wouldn't get to see Keira before I did. I don't think that's something that you can explain. I also have no idea how long it's supposed to take to get over that but I'm making my way, darnit! :)

So that's it for now. We are going to be spending most of our time this summer in Manvel so Keira can hang out with her Dad and Keira and I can do tons of fun stuff!!! I love that little monkey, my friends, and my life! Carissa if you are reading this, here's a WOOTIE! just for you!
Love y'all